For system, network and cloud administrators

How to schedule Windows processes/applications to stop/shutdown via PowerShell

How to schedule Windows processes/applications to stop/shutdown via PowerShell

I wanted to schedule turning off/shutting down Windows processes/applications because as time passes during my day at my computer, I open more and more applications and they get crowded in my workspace. This is why, I decided to create a PowerShell script that I would execute as soon as I’ve opened my computer. A form of a scheduler that stops applications while I’m working at my computer.

And the script is a pretty easy one. Basically, the script consists of 2 commands: one command that tells the script to “wait” X seconds and a 2nd command that will actually stop/shutdown the Windows process/application that you need.

How to view/display a list of all active/running processes/applications in Windows via PowerShell

How to view/display a list of all active/running processes in Windows via PowerShell

Being able to view/display a list of all active/running processes/applications when using Windows via PowerShell has really helped me with my automation tasks, especially when working remotely.

How to stop a Windows process/application via PowerShell

How to stop a Windows application using PowerShell

There comes a time when you’ll need to know how to stop a Windows application (your browser, your chat application, etc.) via the Windows PowerShell. It’s useful when you’re planning on creating scripts to automate tasks. Here we go.

How to run Windows PowerShell and create your first PowerShell script

How to schedule Windows processes/applications to stop/shutdown via PowerShell

Windows PowerShell comes useful in my daily routine. This is a small step on showing you how to get started with Windows PowerShell and running PowerShell scripts. Let us begin :).

How to add a “wait” time to your PowerShell script

How to add a "wait" time to your PowerShell script

I’m using the Windows PowerShell whenever I plan on automating ordinary tasks like scheduling my computer to turn off at a specific time. And I prefer using PowerShell scripts rather than installing 3rd party software to do those ordinary tasks for me. But no matter the purpose of your PowerShell use, I believe you’ll find this small article useful.