For system, network and cloud administrators
I came across situations where I needed tot test which Docker image would be most suitable for a particular set of needs and one of those metrics that I used was disk space. I remember the more I used to get started with Docker, the more I was curious to see which Docker images consume more or less resources.
In order to view the IP of a Docker container, you can execute the following command:
docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" container_ID_or_name
But you can also use grep:
docker inspect container_name | grep "IPv4"
In the process of building a Docker image, you might find yourself in the situation where a “none” image is dangling in your Docker registry, as seen below:
In order to remove the “none” Docker images, you can use:
docker rmi -f $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)