For system, network and cloud administrators

How to open a port on an Azure virtual machine using Azure CLI

If you need to open a port on your Azure virtual machine (in this case, port 80), you can use:

az vm open-port --port 80 --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourVMName

How to verify if an Azure virtual machine has stopped using Azure CLI

In order to verify an Azure virtual machine’s power state, you can use:

az vm get-instance-view --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourVMName --query "instanceView.statuses[?starts_with(code, 'PowerState/')].displayStatus" -o tsv

How to stop/start/restart an Azure virtual machine using Azure CLI

And if you need to stop/start/restart an Azure virtual machine, you can use:

az vm stop --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourVMName

The stop can easily be replaced with start or restart. But if you need for the Azure CLI to return immediately and not wait for the actual restart of the virtual machine, you can also add the –no-wait flag.

How to retrieve all network interfaces ID of your Azure virtual machine using Azure CLI

In order to get all the IDs of your Azure virtual machine network interfaces, you can use:

az vm show --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourVMName --query "networkProfile.networkInterfaces[].id"

How to retrieve network details from your Azure virtual machine using Azure CLI

In order to view the network details of your Azure virtual machine, you can use:

az vm show --resource-group YourResourceGroup --name YourVMName --query networkProfile