For system, network and cloud administrators

How to extract .rar archives/files in Linux

All over the web, you might encounter some much needed files are archived using RAR, like your Linux course certification files, for example. That’s when, it’s useful to know how to extract them using the proper software.

How to create a MongoDB database

Once you’ve installed MongoDB on your system, these are the steps for creating a MongoDB.

How to install offline a software/package in Linux?

On: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Since Canonical uses dpkg as their package manager, their software often ends with the .deb extension.

  1. Go to the official Ubuntu packages.
  2. Find your desired Ubuntu .deb package by browsing the appropiate Ubuntu version that fits your need or by searching the name of the package.
  3. Once you found the Ubuntu package, choose the nearest mirror to your location in order to download the package (North America, Europe, Asia, etc.).
  4. Install your .deb package using:
sudo dpkg -i the-name-of-your-deb-package.deb

How to change the MTU of a network interface with ifconfig in Linux

Your network interface might not act properly by not having an speed unknown value for example and this is sometimes caused by an abnormal MTU value for your network interface. You can change that using the ifconfig command.

How to bring a network interface up or down with ifconfig in Linux

On some machines running Ubuntu frequently, you can easily restart (down/up state) a network interface by ultimately using the ifconfig command.