For system, network and cloud administrators
In order to update a current Azure disk performance SKU, from Standard_LRS to Premium_LRS, for example, type:
az disk update --name yourdiskname --resource-group yourresourcegroup --sku Premium_LRS
In order to be able to delete all Azure managed disks that start with mydisk, for example, you’ll first need to run the Azure Bash shell instead of PowerShell and then type:
az disk list --query "[?starts_with(name,'mydisk')].[name]" | xargs -L1 bash -c 'az disk delete --resource-group yourresourcegroup --name $0 --yes'
In order do delete a managed disk in Azure and without the need for the command execution confirmation (because of the –yes) parameter, type:
az disk delete --resource-group yourresourcegroup --name yourdiskname --yes
In order to check the size of the managed disk in Azure, type:
az disk show --resource-group yourresourcegroup --name yourdiskname --query diskSizeGb